I get lots of compliments on my website. People like the post-and-beam timbers and how they embody Adunate’s idea of unity. Since many in my target market are agriculturally based, these barn beams touch their hearts. They connect us.
Connections are good, right? Knowing this, how wise is it to voice your opinion on social issues? Or, dare I say, politics? It used to be businesses held back for fear of alienating customers. Nowadays, savvy entrepreneurs know consumers want to connect with those who share their beliefs.

Take a Moral Stand, Not a Political
If you’ve branded yourself well—meaning, your brand aligns with your morals—your customers know you’re a business they want to support. Ideally, they walk the same walk you do. Speak to the issues that tug at your hearts.

Don’t Argue
We all know social media debates are a fast track to nowhere. Make your public stand after careful consideration, research, and listening. Then let it go. Let your well-said words speak for themselves.

Adunate Stands For Unity AND Equality
Adunate is a Latin word meaning unite. But these days it’s imperative I speak of uniting people.
I believe all people, no matter their race, gender, age, religion or sexuality, have the right to be treated with respect and human dignity.
I believe if God is willing to show grace to me, a lowly sinner, then I must selflessly show this grace to others. Everyone. After all, we are all equal in God’s eyes.

Each year Liberty Prairie Foundation hosts Common Ground Gathering, an opportunity for farmers and landowners to connect. This year’s event is virtual and we’re putting together an invite with extra promotional oomph.
What I’m Tuned In To This Month
- Cultures for Health, helpful instruction on all foods fermented (this month I’m also working on Fermentation Fest).
- Advancing the Conversation, it’s worth your time to listen to those who regularly experience racial discrimination.
- June Dairy Month is big in Wisconsin. Many dairy breakfasts have been cancelled due to COVID, however there are still virtual and drive-thru events happening.
- Talking Points, your political party doesn’t fully align with biblical values (news flash, none of them do).