In my last newsletter, we talked about creating a media library filled with great photos for marketing your business. This newsletter, we’re talking organization—as in organizing that media library.
If you’re like me, you’re taking smartphone pictures and videos all the time. I’m snap-happy for all things artistic, seasonal, business, people, branding, storytelling, scenic…uh, just about everything. One never knows when a shot will come in handy for a blog post, press release, or social media announcement, right?
As you can imagine, I’ve got a wide assortment of media. The real trick is FINDING that picture or video when I need it.
Sound familiar?
Developing an organized system for your media library is important not only for your business but also your precious memories. Here are quick suggestions for keeping things findable and ready to go.
- Delete duplicates and unnecessary photos
There’s no need for multiple shots of the same thing. Delete duplicates to save valuable disk space and time.
- Download photos
Stick to a regular schedule of downloading photos and videos from your smartphone to your computer.
- Use photo management software/storage software
There are many reputable photo management apps. I use Bridge, which is part of my Adobe subscription. There are others equally recommended, both for free or purchase. Find one that fits your needs and use it regularly.
- Establish a consistent practice of labeling files
- Rename your photo or video files with descriptive names. File them under folders named with equally descriptive names—perhaps a date or subject.
- If your software allows, tag photos with further descriptive keywords
- Descriptive, descriptive, descriptive—get it?
- Develop a system for yourself and be consistent.
- Backup your files
Regularly backup your computer to a reliable storage source, whether online or external hard drive.
Interested in Learning More?
Registration has started for 2020 WFAN Annual Conference. We’ll cover this topic and more so be sure to check it out!
What I’m Working On This Month
When it comes to promoting my clients, I love getting out and shouting the good word. It’s easy because I design for clients whose passions I share and products I love!
This month I’m traveling the beautiful countryside (tough job, but someone’s gotta do it) and delivering our very cool, zine-style Fermentation Fest guide. It’s brimming with inspiring stories, poetry, and art. Find the guides in venues throughout northern Illinois, Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota, like here in Bluff Country Co-op in Winona, Minnesota.
What I’m Tuned In To This Month
- Zoom Etiquette: A year ago we didn’t know Zoom, now we have rules. The comments following are also good.
- Kelsey Ducheneaux on Strength Through Connection: “We can’t afford to regress. We have to find ways to bridge gaps and move forward.”
- Food Rules, by Michael Pollan. COVID disproportionately affects those already suffering from diet-related diseases. I’m revisiting this quick and easy read. My two favorites: “Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” and “Spend as much time enjoying the meal as it took to prepare it.”
- Hindsight in 2020: Quit giving blame, starting taking responsibility. 1) Know your mission, 2) Know your gifting, 3) See your opportunity.