Earlier this year I became certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). Given the micro-scope of my business, one might question the economic value this certification brings. I don’t really care. I want to boldly proclaim I’m a woman-owned business!
Certified or not, if you’re a woman-owned business, you too should be proud. Whether you’re a fully staffed enterprise or a side-hustle solopreneur, you deserve a shout-out. Your business contributes in ways you can’t imagine. It’s important!
I recently revisited marketing guru Ilise Benun on YouTube. While her topic is on negotiating prices, she takes it from the direction of respecting ourselves as business women. Here’s what she encourages us to repeat out loud.
- I can become a savvy business woman.
- I can ask for and get paid what I need.
- My work has value and I will be compensated accordingly.
- I am generous with myself and take the time I need (this relates to what, when, how I deliver a product).
- I know when to walk away.

October Means Vacation!
In Minnesota’s northwoods we discovered World’s Best Donuts, with lines of people around the block every morning. Yes, their donuts are, oh, so good. But also, their marketing tactics are definitely out-of-the-hole (get it? donut? so puny:-). I’m going to give them a study.
What I’m Tuned In To This Month
- Humility has power; the power to heal, the power to help. A meaningful article by Maria Shriver.
- Huntington Loan Program and Grants for Women: Where women business owners can turn for financial help.
- Safe from the Sea, by Peter Geye. Vacationing in Minnesota and the upcoming 45th anniversary of S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald sinking on Lake Superior has me revisiting this favorite author’s first novel. And then his second, third and fourth novels!
- Learning Whova to go with Zoom for my workshop presentation for WFAN’s Annual Conference. Want to attract media attention? Sign up for my workshop. No, you don’t have to be a farmer!