Happy Halloween, the day we can pretend to be someone we’re not. But every other day? Nope, not a good thing, especially when it comes to marketing your business.
Authentic marketing means you promote your business according to its core values and mission. You don’t copy someone else. You don’t automatically follow trends. Authentic marketing means you know who you are. You know your target market. And you know your brand.
Need help figuring out your authentic you? Here’s a marketing worksheet to help.

Authenticity also means a touch of personal. Here’s some personal from my world today—Halloween with snow!
What I’m Working On This Month

Meeting with potential clients is an interesting part of my job. Sometimes they materialize into projects, sometimes not, but either way I always learn something new. Like my recent get together with the International Crane Foundation—I can’t wait to be part of this mission!
What I’m Tuned In To This Month
- Fire Cider: Ward off colds, spice up a vinaigrette, share with a friend.
- Earlier this month Claudia Golden was award Noble economics prize for her research on the workplace gender gap. So many facets to the issue. Here’s one take on it, based on following Penelope Trunk.
- Ever feel like you don’t know how to pray? Here’s help.
- Secrets of the Sprakkar, by Eliza Reid. I just returned from Iceland and besides its stunning beauty, I was fascinated by its social culture.
Let’s Work Together
Think Adunate might be a good fit for your next project? Give me a holler and we’ll discuss ideas.

New and Updated!
It looks sorta the same, but it’s not. It’s better! Hot off the press, Adunate’s new map will keep you trekking on the Ice Age Trail’s up-to-date route. Complete with added segments and trail communities, it’s a great way to showcase your hiking adventures!