June has been a busy month. In my world alone, June is Trails Day, Dairy Month, Pollinator Week, Make Music Day and Yoga Day. I say “my world” because these are my interests, they’re the things I care about. And because I’ve branded my business according to who I am, these are also the interests of my target market.
Yep, my customers and I are on the same bandwagon.
What’s Your Bandwagon? Does It Promote Who You Are?
A bandwagon is a cause or movement based on a shared passion. We often jump on a bandwagon simply because it’s the current trend, but ideally we should be supporting causes that speak specifically to our brand.
Supporting a cause is a first step. Talking about it is the second. Our customers want to know who we are as a business. They want to know that our ideals match theirs and we are a business they want to patronize. Speak up and let them know what you care about!
If you need help with this, let me know. I’d love to give you a hand.
How 3 Brands Showcase Their Bandwagons
- Adunate’s target audience are women-owned businesses, sustainable agriculture and more. I’m proud to serve on the board for Women, Food & Agriculture Network (WFAN).
- My client Forward Mutual Insurance Company carries a longstanding heritage in Wisconsin agriculture. It regularly supports June dairy breakfasts, tractor pulls and county fairs.
- Hope Lake Country targets the unchurched with a goal of changing lives and eternities. Its members regularly show love by donating towards community help organizations.
What I’m Working On This Month
My Wisconsin State Park poster is hot off the press and it turned out beautifully! Get yours today!
What I’m Tuned In To This Month
- Grow Our Community Resilience: Save the dates for “Together We Rise, Exploring Intersectional Feminism in Agriculture”
- Imagine being a survivor of a school mass shooting. Let’s not set this aside. Listen to the message these survivors share.
- A Rare Alignment: See all the major planets bunched together in June.
- The Art of Fermentation. It’s that time of year when I revisit Sandor Katz and talk fermentation with Wormfarm Institute. Neither ever get old.