May is Small Business Month and AARP has promising news. Not only have small businesses survived the pandemic, they’re actually thriving!
AARP Bulletin recently listed ten shopping trends and even though the article is directed to consumers, savvy entreprenuers can use them to ramp their own marketing. I’m particularly interested in Trend #10 on Mom and Pop shops. The colloquial “Mom and Pops” often carries a negative connotation of struggling, however, this author says otherwise.
“A Wall Street Journal study found that since COVID started, all of the net job growth has been driven by companies with fewer than 250 employees,” states the author.
How are Mom and Pops doing it? With unique shopping experiences, whether in person or online, and on a smaller, friendlier, more human scale.
Dreaming of your own business? Think positive!
What I’m Working On This Month

Do you love Lake Superior? If so, stay tuned—I’m in the depths of a new map. Details like color palette, typeface, and choice of paper are all in the forefront. These are my favorite parts of the creative process. Soon, folks, soon!
In the meantime, scroll on down for maps already in my shop.
What I’m Tuned In To This Month
- A Walk In The Woods: Still good after all these years, especially read by Rob McQuay.
- Off-Loom Weaving Class: Excited to take this virtual class, even if it starts 5 AM.
- Basketry Teaches Me to Be Flexible: Speaking of weaving, this woman’s story is beautiful.
- Folk schools and Economics: Could slower growing, more sustainable movements benefit rural communities more than, say, a Wal-Mart?
Let’s Work Together
Think Adunate might be a good fit for your next project? Give me a holler and we’ll discuss ideas.

June 3rd is National Trails Day!